
Understanding Kids’ & Grandkids’ Behavior: Exploring the Brain Science Behind Those Tantrums and Teen Dramas
We’ve all witnessed our child (or grandchild) throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store while the adults responsible for them stands by with a...

Marriage Truths: Inspiration To Keep Your Marriage Thriving
Marriage takes a lot of tenacity, communication, and forgiveness, when both people are working for it, that is. Even still, research shows that more...

Enduring Friends: The Heartwarming Tale Behind Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sounds of Silence”
“Hello darkness, my old friend…” We all know the iconic Simon & Garfunkel song, but do you know the amazing story behind the first line of The...

Navigating Grief: Embracing the Messy Journey of Loss and Healing
In the tumultuous journey of grief, many of us find solace in shared experiences and profound insights that resonate with the depths of our souls....

Healing Bonds: The Power of Forgiveness in Mother-Daughter Relationships
Forgiveness can be so hard, especially when it comes to seeing the human reality of our moms. The importance of healing with your mother cannot be...

Why Dogs Are More Than ‘Just a Pet’
Dogs beautifully capture the profound bond of what happens between humans and our furry companions. In this heartfelt piece from 1965 by Richard...

Redefining Helicopter Parenting: A Heartwarming Tale of Independence and Support
Trust, courage, and the unwavering support of a loving family, that's the ideal for any parent. In a world where helicopter parenting often...

Father-Daughter Moments: A Heartwarming Tale to Warm Your Soul
When we stumble upon heartwarming stories, it's evident that those which genuinely touch our hearts, evoke moments of joy, or prompt an 'aha'...

Why Kids Act Out with Mom: Exploring the Emotional Safety Net
As a parent or grandparent, have you noticed that kids tend to act out and have the worst behavior when mom is around? It turns out, it's true! "A...

Love That Never Sleeps: The Unwavering Devotion of Mom
From that first tender embrace to the countless sleepless nights, every boo-boo, every silly story, and every milestone, we're there every step of...

Parenting: A Rollercoaster of Joys and Struggles Grandparents Understand
Parenting is fun, exhausting, maddening, joyful, scary, and all the feelings combined. And if you're a grandparent? It's somewhat of a deja vu,...

True Friends: Embracing Authenticity Through Life’s Ups and Downs
Our friends are our most important allies in the pursuit of happiness, self-esteem and well-being. Research shows that the ideal number of friends...

Apologizing Takes Strength: Embracing Courage and Vulnerability
Apologizing can be hard. It can be a difficult and uncomfortable experience, especially when you are admitting fault or acknowledging that you have...

Forgiving Your Mother, a Challenging And Compassionate Journey
Forgiveness can be a difficult and complicated process, especially when it comes to family relationships. For some of us, forgiving your mother can...

Touching Tale: Parent’s Positive Messages on Child’s Pencils Inspire All
Research consistently shows, praise and affirmations for our children and grandchildren impact their success and happiness in life. This...

Heartwarming Tale: A Truly Delightful Story That Will Brighten Your Day
Many of us have had some deeply precious moments with our children and grandchildren. There's nothing that compares to experiencing those adorable...

Unfiltered Wisdom: Kids’ Definitions of Love Will Warm Your Heart
Children really do say the most amazing things. And kids' have adorable, heartfelt and innocent wisdom that can resonate with us parents and...

Inspiring Others: The Surprising Impact of a Long-Ago Information Operator
There are moments when our actions ripple and leave an indelible mark on the lives of others. Chances are you've experienced an impact that you...

Navigating Grief and Guilt: Embracing Gentleness in the Healing Process
Dealing with guilt in the grieving process can be overwhelming. Embracing self-care during the process is even harder because guilt has a tendency...

Guiding Light Through Grief: Soothing Words to Comfort Your Soul
In times of loss, it's hard to find comfort and the healing process is daunting. Because navigating grief is such a personal journey, we thought you...

Grandkids’ Giggle-Worthy Moments: The Cutest and Funniest Quotes
In the delightful world of being a grandparent, few things bring as much joy as the adorable and often hilarious perceptions of our grandchildren....

Owning Up: The Wisdom of Admitting Fault and Seeking Forgiveness
How many times have you been flat-out wrong? Here’s a great example: A young couple moved into a new neighborhood. The next morning while they were...

Boosting Confidence: 44 Positive Messages to Empower Your Child or Grandchild
We all know that positive messages and communication impact our children's future success. Encouraging words can help your child thrive, period....

Guiding Our Sons and Grandsons: Timeless Lessons For Raising Magnificent Men
From the earliest moments of childhood to the milestones of adulthood, the influence of parental guidance leaves an indelible mark on the hearts and...