Is Project Forgive affiliated with a religious or political organization?
We are not affiliated, involved, or related to any religious sect or political group. Project Forgive is a non-sectarian, non-governmental, mission-driven organization.
What does Project Forgive do?
Project Forgive’s mission is centered around fostering meaningful conversations on forgiveness to heal conflict, free from political or religious agendas. Our approach fosters authentic dialogue, empowering people to explore and experience genuine forgiveness, while strategically integrating Emotional Intelligence. By developing critical communication skills and promoting deeper understanding, we effectively resolve conflict.
We deliver our mission through dynamic, interactive workshops, engaging social media livestreams, and personalized group coaching.
Our core business areas of focus, include:
- Elevating leadership skills, with a strong emphasis on empowering women.
- Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.
- Providing transformative training and support within the educational system.
What is Project Forgive's history? How did you get started?
When Gary Weinstein lost his entire family to a drunk driver, Dr. Shawne Duperon produced a little 5-minute video that went viral. The compelling story of Gary’s journey of forgiving the unforgivable touched millions.
A twist in the circumstances generated global media attention. Documentarian Dr Shawne was not only a dear family friend of the Weinstein family, she was also a dear family friend of the man who caused the deaths.
The unprecedented response was the catalyst that started Project Forgive as a movement in 2014. It became apparent that the world was ready for an authentic conversation on forgiveness, one of inclusion that crosses gender, racial, religious, and political boundaries.
Can I hire Dr. Shawne to speak to our organization or keynote at a conference?
Do you have public workshops?
We do! Our popular “Apology Workshop” is live-streamed on social. Our classes focus on mastering forgiveness as a way of life for more joy and peace. Click here for more information.
How can I join your Facebook group on social media?
It’s easy. Just head to “Joy is a Habit” Facebook group and join! We believe that Joy is a choice and a conscious habit. The group consistently reminds us all to consciously seek joy as a habit for a happier and healthier life.
What is the focus of your Facebook Live Broadcasts?
Dr. Shawne explores communication topics that foster intimacy and love in our relationships. Her highly popular Broadcasts address topics such as Forgiving without Reconciliation, Embracing Healthy Anger and our masterful Accepting the Apology You’ll Never Receive. Many of her topics come from participants like you. If you have a question, simply contact us here.
How can I get my company involved?
Your company can get involved in several ways:
-You can contact us to bring Dr. Shawne in for engaging workshops internally or
externally. Dr. Shawne presents workplace sessions live and virtually. You can see
her in action here.
-You can contact us for information on sponsoring a Facebook Live.
-You can contact us for information to sponsor an event
-You can contact us for information to partner with our initiatives for DE&I, Women in Leadership and Retaining Teachers.
How can I stay involved in the work you're doing?
There are several ways:
1) You can join our “Joy is a Habit” Facebook Group (clickable)
2) You can join our Weekly Joy emails to support you with a joyful mindset.
3) You can participate in our weekly lectures on our Facebook Lives.
4) You can attend our monthly, low-cost workshops.
5) You can contact us to bring high-level communication skills into your workplace
to support transformation in your corporate culture. clickable