Richard Branson Quotes: Inspiration For Your Forgiveness Journey
Richard Branson’s attitude and philosophy on business inspires millions, including us here at Project Forgive. He dropped out of school at 16 and went on to become a billionaire as the founder of the successful Virgin Group, which holds more than 400 companies. He...
Parenting Under Pressure: Navigating Frustration and Finding Self-Forgiveness
We’ve been there. The kids or grandkids are fighting, they’re not listening, or they’re asking you for the same thing a thousand times. And sometimes you just lose it. You snap at them, harsh words come out of your mouth, and later on you’re feeling guilty for your...
The Healing Power of Hugs: Boosting Mental Well-being, One Embrace at a Time
Research shows humans need at least 12 hugs a day to help us feel connected in a not-so-connected world. There is a lot of research that emphasizes our need for physical touch and hugs make a huge difference in how we feel in our daily lives. Other studies point to:...
Fun Indoor Activities for Kids and Grandkids at Home
Family bonding can get challenging at times. One of the ways to foster quality time is to engage your kids and grandkids in home activities that are entirely kid-friendly ideas. Below is a great list of ideas we found through Princess Awesome. We’re sure you’ll find...
A Releasing Practice for Shifting Past Limiting Thoughts, Painful Decisions, and Forgiveness Struggles
Releasing involves letting go of limiting thoughts, painful decisions, and suppressed emotions to create space for growth and healing. It's a transformative practice that allows you to move forward with emotional freedom and even forgiveness. Below you'll find some...
Generational Healing: The Power of Forgiving Our Parents
When it comes to forgiveness, parents just may be the toughest to forgive, especially if you have childhood trauma. But here’s the thing, no matter what your history is regarding your parents, you take those primary relationships into every single relationship...
How to Beat Boredom with Kids – Proven Ideas That Work
When you’re a parent or grandparent, it’s inevitable that you’ll need to entertain youngsters because you'll hear the refrain “I’m bored” often! So what do you say and do that helps beat boredom? Here are a few ways to respond, as well as fun ideas to keep kids...
Strength and Compatibility: The Characteristics That Define a Strong Woman’s Relationships
Many of my friends and I have come to the conclusion that The deeper you are, the harder it becomes for you to find a compatible relationship and that strong women struggle finding an ideal relationship. You can go on a lot of dates, be introduced to a lot of...
Protecting Your Peace: Effective Strategies for Boundary Setting
Setting boundaries, especially with loved ones, is one of the hardest things to communicate in a relationship. In many cases, we’ve built long-term communication patterns that have been in place for years. To “retrain” the people around you (and yourself to actually...
Relationship Reality: Happy Marriages Require Effort That Few Acknowledge
Keeping a loving, healthy, and lasting marriage takes courage, commitment, and being unstoppable at forgiving each other. Marriage isn’t all about romance, candy, and flowers. It’s two mature people who continuously choose to grow together. We recently ran across this...