
Forgiving Your Mother, a Challenging And Compassionate Journey
Forgiveness can be a difficult and complicated process, especially when it comes to family relationships. For some of us, forgiving your mother can be a particularly challenging and overwhelming task. However, forgiving your mother can be a transformative experience...

Speak Up: Using Your Voice Matters
It's empowering to stand up for your beliefs in challenging situations where you're shaking in your boots. But the difference when you do speak up can be quite miraculous. We found this example about the impact of standing up for what is right and thought it would...

Touching Tale: Parent’s Positive Messages on Child’s Pencils Inspire All
Research consistently shows, praise and affirmations for our children and grandchildren impact their success and happiness in life. This heartwarming story may give you some ideas on how to build your own child or grandchild's self-esteem. Enjoy. From a Teacher “Today...

Unlocking Joy: Happiness Is a Decision You Make Every Day
There are many ways to cultivate happiness and positivity into your life and ways to empower yourself to find joy. Research shows that it's your everyday actions that cause a sustainable mindshift for lasting happiness. With that said, someone asked a friend who...

Family Blessings & Affirmations
We found an ancient blessing that we thought was quite beautiful. Project Forgive is non-religious and non-partisan and thought some of our followers would receive this ancient blessing as very healing. I personally loved it and shared it with my daughter. I hope you...

Empower Yourself: The Importance of Allowing Yourself to Change Your Mind
We're evolving, critically thinking humans and as we evolve and critically think, it's inevitable that we will change our minds. It takes self-care and courage to change your mind and act on those changes. Let's say you make a commitment to babysit your grandkids for...

Heartwarming Tale: A Truly Delightful Story That Will Brighten Your Day
Many of us have had some deeply precious moments with our children and grandchildren. There's nothing that compares to experiencing those adorable moments with our delightful family. We found this uplifting and heartwarming story and had to share it with you. It’s...

Unfiltered Wisdom: Kids’ Definitions of Love Will Warm Your Heart
Children really do say the most amazing things. And kids' have adorable, heartfelt and innocent wisdom that can resonate with us parents and grandparents. With that said, The question “What does love mean?” was posed to a group of children ages 4-8 years old. Below...

The Wisdom of Regrets: And What They Ultimately Teach
Some of us grew up reading the hilarious and poignant writings of Erma Bombeck. Erma wrote this particular article after she found out she was dying from cancer. It’s all about embracing life’s journey, turning regrets into life lessons, and personal growth through...

Inspiring Others: The Surprising Impact of a Long-Ago Information Operator
There are moments when our actions ripple and leave an indelible mark on the lives of others. Chances are you've experienced an impact that you didn't expect. Such is the story below of an information operator, whose role may seem mundane in the grand scheme of...