At Project Forgive, we’ve discovered and have come to completely believe that joy is an actual habit that you create in your life.

So many times we’re waiting for joy, waiting for happiness, waiting for everything to be okay.

Life isn’t quite that way, right? There are always issues, always something to face, deal with, overcome and forgive.

Waiting for joy can be its own version of pain and anguish.

That’s why we’re sharing this poem by Donna Ashworth. We thought it perfect for those of us seeking to find more joy in our lives.

Joy in Life, by Donna Ashworth:

“Joy does not arrive with a fanfare,
on a red carpet strewn with the flowers of a perfect life.

Joy sneaks in, as you pour a cup of coffee,
watching the sun hit your favorite tree, just right.

And you usher joy away,
because you are not ready for it.

Your house is not as it must be,
for such a distinguished guest.

But joy cares nothing for your messy home,
or your bank-balance,
or your waistline, you see.

Joy is supposed to slither through the cracks of your imperfect life,
that’s how joy works.

You cannot invite her, you can only be ready when she appears.

And hug her with meaning,
because in this very moment,
joy chose you.”

Donna Ashworth

This poem was adapted from Donna Ashworth’s poem ‘joy’ in ‘LIFE’

All her work is available on Amazon. We adore her authenticity.

If inspired, join our Facebook Group that focuses on joy as an actual habit:

Dr. Shawne

Related Articles:
Self-Care & Forgiveness Brings Joy
Joy Doesn’t Care About Your Waistline

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