
Growing Older, Growing Freer: Embracing the Joys of Aging
Getting older isn't just about wrinkles and gray hairs—it's about embracing the profound and joyful freedom that comes with age. You probably have already experienced newfound freedoms that come with getting older and it has some remarkable benefits. With that said,...

Embracing Aging: An Ode to the Unconditional Love of Dogs
Our experiences of life are shaped by the furry companions who accompany us along the way Dogs, with their unwavering loyalty and never ending affection, have a unique way of enchanting our lives, making our existence better. Our faithful four-legged companions join...

Love That Never Sleeps: The Unwavering Devotion of Mom
From that first tender embrace to the countless sleepless nights, every boo-boo, every silly story, and every milestone, we're there every step of the way. This writing by O Trocatintas captures the essence of our sacred motherhood journey. Enjoy. Because a mother...

Parenting: A Rollercoaster of Joys and Struggles Grandparents Understand
Parenting is fun, exhausting, maddening, joyful, scary, and all the feelings combined. And if you're a grandparent? It's somewhat of a deja vu, (with less responsibility, of course) and you watch, remember and struggle wanting to help your adult children navigate the...

Life’s Fleeting Gift: Embracing the Preciousness of Every Moment
You've probably heard this quote before, which is often cited by Buddha: "The trouble is, you think you have time." The quote is actually an interpretation by author Jack Kornfield, which touches on the notion that we put things off for another day because of our...

Timeless Wisdom: Cherishing Life’s Precious Moments
Time and life are so precious. Some of us waste time, procrastinate and stop living life to the fullest. We thought this writing by John Pavlovitz was a beautiful tribute to living your best life before you leave. Enjoy. On the Day I Die… On the day I die a lot will...

True Friends: Embracing Authenticity Through Life’s Ups and Downs
Our friends are our most important allies in the pursuit of happiness, self-esteem and well-being. Research shows that the ideal number of friends in our core group is three to five people, which allows for us to experience the highest level of satisfaction in life....

Joy-Filled Wisdom: A Heartfelt and Hilarious Story From an 8-Year Old
Every parent, grandparent or teacher, or anyone who's spent time with children can attest to the endless joy they bring and the unexpected wisdom they share. This little story by a 2nd grade teacher reminds us of the heartwarming insights and hilarious understandings...

A True Friend Guides Us Through Sorrow, Joy, Anger, and Happiness
We’ve all discovered that friends sometimes play an even more important role in our lives than our families. And? Some friendships come and go, but others, are forever. The really important ones become life-long relationships that we can cherish. We found this writing...

Mother’s Words Matter: The Lifelong Influence of Mom’s Impact On Our Worthiness
Our mother's words have a life-long impact on our psyches, our self-esteem and our capacity to have faith in humanity. Whether you had an exquisitely loving mother, one that was challenged in her capacity to love you, or somewhere in between, ultimately it's up to...