Knowing When to Let Go and When to Take Things Personally
Words matter. It gets old being told you're overly sensitive and that you take things personally. But wait. We’re humans interacting with other humans, sometimes something is said, and it hurts. It gets under our skin. We took it personally, well, because it was...
Empowering Conversations: How to Discuss Body Image with Your Daughter
Navigating conversations about body image with your daughter can be delicate yet crucial for her self-esteem and confidence. Fostering a healthy body image in our young girls takes commitment and consciousness. Below we offer practical tips and compassionate advice on...
Transformative Power: How Forgiveness and An Unexpected Apology Reshapes Your Life
Forgiveness has a profound effect on our personal growth. The impact of our tool "The Apology (You'll Never Receive)®", has supported millions in finding inner peace when you don't receive an apology you deeply need or needed. We receive thousands of messages and...
Forgiveness Is Unique As Your Fingerprint
I have been exploring the emotional, spiritual, and academic understandings of forgiveness for quite a few years. I’m also an incest survivor and have my own personal understanding of this masterful skill. I do believe forgiveness is a skill to master. Your experience...
Understanding Emotional Healing: Why Time Alone May Not Be Enough
You've probably heard it said many times before: time heals all wounds. But does it, really? For me and I’m sure for many of you, it’s just not true. Time seems to heal over like scar tissue over time. It also “heals” the constant excruciating pain and seems to lessen...
Finding Peace: How Forgiveness Transforms That Feeling of Stuck
You’ve probably been there and you may even be there right now. Somebody did something that hurt you so much, you just can’t shake it. It won’t go away, it still hurts and you may even fear you may never get over it. Or that the relationship will never be the same...
Derailing the Shame Train: Reclaiming Groundedness and Overcoming Past Shame
You can be walking along, minding your own business then wham, somebody says something that sucks the breath out of you and has you spiral into shame. You probably know the feeling really well. You feel extremely uncomfortable. Maybe you want to just disappear. Anger...
Apologizing: 6 Steps to Mastering the Skill of Saying Sorry
How many times have you received an inauthentic or thrown together apology that lands flat? An apology that missed the mark and left you feeling worse than before the conversation of forgiveness even started? Probably a lot. The thing is, many of us don’t have the...
Empower Yourself: Effective Responses to ‘You’re Too Sensitive’
“You’re too sensitive.” How many times have you heard that one? It usually happens when you call someone out on their behavior, you are setting a boundary, or you’re simply sharing how something has impacted you. There are ways to build confidence and validate the...
Words of Comfort: What to Say to Someone Who Is Hurting
It's always a struggle of what to say to someone who is hurting emotionally. Sometimes though, in our effort to make a difference, we say the exact opposite of what someone needs to hear when they are hurting. Can you relate? We all need someone to hear us, understand...