Odds are, you haven’t heard of Natalie Bell.

But she’s a hero to parents around the world after she solved a problem in a life-saving, creative way.

She worried about her daughter, Shae. If she were in a car accident, how would the emergency team know her daughter was deaf and couldn’t undergo an MRI, because of her cochlear implants?

This 32 year old mother-of-five found a way to make a difference.

Her life-saving creations are unique seat belt covers that alert authorities to health issues or disabilities during an emergency like a car crash. They are non-verbal alerts that warn first responders of a health issue they may not have been aware of. These seat belts are medical alerts that are saving lives.

When she launched the device it went viral on Facebook with hundreds of thousands of shares. She has also received thousands of orders and has received praise from parents and health officials all over the world.

The seat belt covers are cost effective, too. The covers are only $12 or two for $20. You can get them at Personalised by Nat.

The personalized covers can be used for many health issues, including those with autism, dementia, Type 1 diabetes or even those with dextrocardia, where the heart is on the right side rather than the left.

This Melbourne, Australia based mom wanted other parents to feel relief and not worry because of these life saving creations.

Many times health alerts or stickers are placed on car windows. The problem is that sometimes windows are broken during a car accident and it is difficult to see the sticker. It’s much easier to notice the seat belt cover. They were specifically crafted by displaying bright, bold letters so the message was clear. The covers can also be used on backpacks for school emergency personnel.

It’s also easier than a medical alert bracelet and will support emergency teams who have to make quick life-threatening decisions.

And while we’re add it, we would be remiss if we didn’t remind you how important seat belts are and that they save millions of lives every year.

Research shows seat belts increase your chance of surviving a life threatening accident by nearly 50 percent. They primarily stop you and your passengers from being ejected from the car during a crash.

Seat belts also:

-are designed to work with your car’s airbags.

-help alleviate serious injury. Tens of thousands of people have survived major accidents where the car was completely totaled, and they survived with minor injuries thanks to wearing a seat belt.

-affect the costs of your insurance rates and prevents your insurer from declining to cover damages in the event you weren’t wearing a seat belt.

Natalie’s added benefit of alerting first responders to potential health risks, is a safe and smart way to save more lives and give parents peace of mind that their child will be cared for appropriately during an emergency.

Your idea is brilliant, Natalie. Thank you for making a difference in the world.

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