Some of us are having complicated feelings during all the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Los Posadas, Winter Solstice, Yule, Christmastide or Soyal, we hope you find comfort in this writing of a grieving mother.

And most of all, we wanted to let you know you’re not alone.


Twas the night before Christmas and Santa was busy making his rounds
He was light on his feet making sure he didn’t make a sound.

But he took notice that some homes didn’t have Christmas Glee,
so he decided to stop because he thought that just can’t be.

He crept in a mommy’s bedroom and stopped dead in his steps,
as he saw a little angel hugging his mom as she slept.

The little angel looked up and cried ” Oh Santa, you are finally here!!
I’ve been waiting for you to help me let Mommy know I am near”.

Santa picked up the wee angel and asked him ” What can I do?
I’m just a simple toy maker, I can’t make your mommy’s dreams come true”.

So the two of them sat and they sat for a while until the tiny angel jumped up and screamed with a smile.

“Let’s leave her a sign, a beautiful sign from above,
let her know it’s from me sent from heaven with love”!!!

So Santa dug and he dug deep,
in that big glorious bag that was filled with lots of treats .

He pulled out a beautiful white feather that looked like it was made out of snow.
And he thought such a beautiful sign that only a grieving mother would know.

He placed it on her nightstand and kissed the angel on his head.
Then placed him next to his mom as she slumbered in bed.

I think I’ll stay here with Mommy and visit her in her dreams tonight,
she misses me dearly and needs to know I’m all right.

Santa made his way to his sled, And wiped a tear from his eye.
He fell to his knees and managed to cry.

Merry Christmas to all the grieving mothers across this big land.
And let it be known your angels are with you holding your hand….
Written by Joe’s mom

Sending you so much love,
Dr. Shawne

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Grief and Acceptance
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