In times of loss, it’s hard to find comfort and the healing process is daunting.

Because navigating grief is such a personal journey, we thought you would find a moment of emotional support through this soothing writing.

Every minute someone leaves this world.

“Every minute someone leaves this world behind.
Age has nothing to do with it.

We are all in “the line” without knowing it.
We never know how many people are before us.
We can not move to the back of the line.
We can not step out of the line.
We can not avoid the line.

So while we wait in line:
Make moments count.
Make priorities.
Make the time.
Make your gifts known.
Make a nobody feel like a somebody.

Make your voice heard.
Make the small things big.
Make someone smile.
Make the change.
Make love.
Make up.
Make peace.

Make sure to tell your people they are loved.
Make sure to have no regrets.
Make sure you are ready…”

“Every minute someone leaves this world.”
Marianne Baum

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Grief and Acceptance

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