Fascinating Facts about Friday the 13th

Fascinating Facts about Friday the 13th

No one can seem to agree on where the belief that you’ll experience bad luck on Friday the 13th. Some historians believe the notion of Friday the 13th can be traced to medieval times. Others say it came about at the turn of the 20th century when a businessman wrote a...
Fascinating Labor Day Facts

Fascinating Labor Day Facts

Since we’re celebrating Labor Day here in the US, here are some intriguing and fun facts you may not know about the holiday and the workforce. Enjoy! – The word ‘work’ means ‘werg’ meaning ‘to do’ – The word ’employ’ is...
Releasing The Need For Approval

Releasing The Need For Approval

One of the hardest truths to accept is that we cannot control how others perceive us. The instinct to defend ourselves, to explain, and to convince others of our worth is strong, but ultimately futile. Other peoples’ opinions of us are shaped by their own experiences...
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