
Praise Shapes Your Child & Grandchild’s Behavior: 40 Things to Acknowledge
Ask your child what they want from you, and they’re likely to say “the newest iPhone” or “a pair of Jordans” or “to leave me alone and let me do whatever I want”. They do in fact want these things, but there are a few unrecognized rewards that are significantly more...

3 Practical Tips To Help Your Child Develop Good Judgement
As parents and grandparents, we want our children to develop great judgement. In order to ensure they do; we often try to control the quality of the people around them. We disapprove of some of the friends they bring home, some of the significant others they pick out,...

14 Essential House Rules with Grandparents’ Wisdom for Positive Behavior
Each household is run differently, and as a parent, you determine the behaviors that are acceptable or unacceptable underneath your roof. Add in grandparents and any inconsistencies and it can get messy fast! Sometimes, though, as your child grows up, you realize that...

Fascinating Facts about Friday the 13th
No one can seem to agree on where the belief that you’ll experience bad luck on Friday the 13th. Some historians believe the notion of Friday the 13th can be traced to medieval times. Others say it came about at the turn of the 20th century when a businessman wrote a...

Fascinating Labor Day Facts
Since we’re celebrating Labor Day here in the US, here are some intriguing and fun facts you may not know about the holiday and the workforce. Enjoy! – The word 'work' means 'werg' meaning 'to do' – The word 'employ' is Latin, meaning to 'enfold, involve, associate' –...

Releasing The Need For Approval
One of the hardest truths to accept is that we cannot control how others perceive us. The instinct to defend ourselves, to explain, and to convince others of our worth is strong, but ultimately futile. Other peoples’ opinions of us are shaped by their own experiences...

Being Gentle With Your Mother
For those of us who are graced to still have our mothers here with us, there are moments when words escape us too quickly. We respond with sharp or harsh words that do not foster the closeness we crave with our moms. Half the time, your mom’s choices probably puzzle...

I Owe Myself An Apology
When it comes to forgiving someone, the hardest one to forgive is ourselves. Research shows about 8% of us have the capacity to forgive ourselves at a high level. With that said, isn’t it time you gave yourself an authentic and heartfelt apology? Below is a gorgeous...

The Legacy of Juneteenth: Understanding Its History and Importance
Juneteenth, celebrated on June 19th, represents a pivotal moment in American history that symbolizes freedom and equality for all. When I did some research, I now understand the holiday’s history and significance. Juneteenth is a...

Healing Mother Wounds is a Generational Gift
Many of us are on a precious and sacred path of healing the wounds we received from our mothers. Whether we were abused, neglected or abandoned, we’ve accepted that it’s up to us now as adult empowered women, to carry healing and even forgiveness to our children and...