Life is so short and every day can challenge you to choose to live your best life. It all comes down to what you choose on a daily basis.

This writing inspired us, to inspire you. Enjoy.

“Sometimes we are on the verge of blossoming into a thousand flowers.
But we don’t.

We are waiting. We are thinking, “Maybe tomorrow. I’m quite busy right now doing the same unsatisfying things I have been doing for years. Yep, pretty busy.”

Or maybe we are afraid of what will happen if we open up. We are afraid to leave a bad situation because we’ve forgotten what a good one even looks like for us.

We’ve gotten so used to a life surrounded by unhappiness that we’ve convinced ourselves it’s normal. After all, everyone else’s life looks like this, too.

Somewhere along the way we stopped believing in our own strength and beauty. We think we’ve lost it, or maybe it was never really there.

And worst of all, we’ve let someone else define who we are for us. We’ve lost who we are, so we’ll believe whatever anyone else tells us, even if it makes us smaller…angrier.

There are not enough voices telling us the Truth. There are not enough voices to get through the mist that has gathered around our belief in ourselves.

Right now, let me be that Voice.

Right now, let me tell you:
You are Strong.
You are Beautiful.
You are Capable.
You are Worthy.

You have made mistakes. You have lashed out. You have hidden your dreams, your light, and your power. These things are true. These are things you have done. They are not you.

You are your Dreams.
You are your Light.
You are your Power.
You are a Miracle waiting to happen.

You are a Blessing waiting to be bestowed.
You are an example of Truth waiting to be spoken.
You are a thousand Blossoms waiting to explode into color, fragrance, delight and joy.

Don’t let anyone hold you back.

Yes, you have been buried.

Like all good seeds. It’s time to live.

It’s time to open to the world, to the Sun and to yourself.

You are on the verge
Of something


By: Aaron Paquette

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