What We Do
Research consistently shows that forgiveness is associated with a whole range of mental and physical health benefits including an impact on fatigue, anxiety, depression, medications taken, sleep quality, heart disease and blood pressure, to name a few. Studies have also found the practice of forgiveness lowers stress, lessens emotional reactivity and suffering, and increases happiness and peace.
Our Project Forgive initiatives are shaped by the large body of research that substantiates the links between our ability to forgive and overall well-being.
Our Initiatives
Advancing Global Education
Our social reach impacts more than a 100 million monthly, with tens of thousands of people participating in our weekly Facebook Lives with Dr. Shawne Duperon. Our live broadcasts advance communication skills that foster and embrace forgiveness as a skill.
Support For Kids At Risk
There are many factors that contribute to a young person’s success after encountering the juvenile justice system. To support current initiatives that are already making a difference, several digital training programs are in progress, including: communication strategies, mindfulness training and introductory training for newly hired probation officers mentoring and impacting kids at risk. The enhanced curriculum will be used as a national innovative template for all states, allowing Project Forgive to customize and license its use for future financial sustainability as a 501c3. We are strategically positioning the curriculum to implement the innovative digital tools in all 50 states and create applications globally in the next three years.
Empowering Veteran-Owned Business
Program materials are delivered in live 1/2 day sessions for 6 months, with 3-months of group coaching for sustainability and implementation of new skills. Our customized program and curriculum has strong corporate partnerships, allowing veterans to associate the experiential learning and content-rich environment with those partner brands.
Corporate Communications Training
With her social reaching topping 120 million per month, numerous EMMY® awards, and a 2016 Nobel Peace Prize nomination, Dr. Shawne Duperon is a sought after communication trainer, consultant and keynote speaker.
Progressive corporations, universities, government agencies, health care systems and entrepreneurial organizations regularly hire Dr. Shawne for her innovative and leading edge programs, which include forgiveness as a leadership tool, unconscious bias and mastering high-pressure communication, such as dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace and advancing traditional and digital on-camera media skills.
Some of our clients
For more information on hiring Dr. Shawne for your organization,