
10 Wildly Fun April Fool’s Day Facts You Probably Fell For (Until Now)
April Fool’s Day. Just saying it makes your inner 8-year-old giggle and your adult self, check your chair before sitting down. Sure, it's a day for prank wars and playful chaos, but this delightful day of deception actually has a rich (and ridiculous) history that...

Parenting Through the Fire: 5 Ways to Beat Burnout Without Burning Out Yourself
Let’s be real: parenting is one of the most rewarding things we’ll ever do – and one of the most relentless. When the exhaustion starts outweighing the joy, you’re not failing. You’re just burnt out. And burnout doesn’t make you a bad parent. It makes you a normal...

3 Simple Ways to Help Your Child & Grandchild Feel Like They Belong (Without Burning Yourself Out)
Kids will find belonging somewhere – so why not make sure they find it at home? When children feel seen, heard, and valued within their family, they’re less likely to seek validation in the wrong places. Here are three simple but powerful ways to help your child feel...

A Message From a Loved One: Comfort During The Holidays
Grief has a way of hollowing out the holidays, doesn’t it? The laughter feels quieter, the lights dimmer, and the absence of a loved one weighs heavier than words can hold. But what if I told you they’re not as far away as they seem? Imagine this: your late loved one,...

From Mom to Grandma: A Loving Tribute to Mothering a Mom
When our moms come to visit, the whole household seems to transform with their extraordinary help. Yet, it’s not always easy to accept her support—or the effortless way she seems to handle everything. It often takes her gentle wisdom to reveal the beauty in this...

The Transformative Power of Unspoken Goodbyes
Life doesn’t always grant us the closure we seek, and some of the most painful goodbyes are those that remain unspoken. But these silent farewells also carry profound lessons, teaching us about resilience, the art of letting go, and the strength we find when we...

You’re Not Alone: A Heartfelt Journey Through Grief and Widowhood
Author and speaker Donna Cutting recently shared a deeply authentic and heartfelt post, offering solace and understanding to those who have lost a life partner. Her words are profoundly moving and may bring comfort to your grieving heart. “Friends, this writing is not...

Frighteningly Fun Halloween Facts You Didn’t Know
Halloween has been celebrated for thousands of years. Some say it can be traced back to the Celts and ancient Pagan festivals. Some claim it originated in Ireland when a flood of Irish Immigrants fled from the potato famine in the mid-1800s, bringing the tradition of...

Top 3 Strategies to Create a Strong Sense of Belonging for Your Child and Grandchild
Our children and grandchildren have more than physical needs; they also have psychological and emotional needs. Of them, one of the most pressing is a sense of belonging. Like all of us, your kids want to experience genuine human connection, feel significance within...

Turning Your Kids or Grandkids’ Frustrating Behaviors into Their Greatest Strengths
Our kids and grandkids are bound to frustrate us at times. It’s part of the deal. Sometimes we get so used to being frustrated that we can’t find another way to look at the situation. There is, however, a great way to reframe your child or grandchild’s frustrating...